terça-feira, outubro 28, 2008


Corria o ano 2000 e a Budweiser lançou uma das suas campanha de maior impacto. Correu mundo. Comunicação rica que marcou uma geração de criativos.

Vejam primeiro este link só para recordar:

Oito anos depois a mesma comunicação regressa. Adere ao movimento Obamista. Em poucas horas já tem mais de dois milhões de visionamentos no You Tube. Fabuloso. A comunicação quando é boa funciona, independentemente do meio.

Viva a criatividade.


Leading quote from the article: “Content only works when it holds an invitation to the receiver to engage.”

Leading quote from the article: “It is too simple to say that this is the era of the Internet. It is far more true to say that this is the era of consumer control.”

Leading quote from the article: “In the earlier days you probably could buy the right to market by buying airspace and TV commercials. That, however is over in the era of the grass roots marketing agency.”

Josh Levine leads RebelIndustries, one of North America’s most sexy viral marketing agencies – with clients like T-Mobile, Warner Brothers, Dr. Pepper, Honda, Mazda and X-Box. It’s worth an interview for this magazine. “Better call us a grass roots marketing agency. That fits better in what we actually do.”

What is it that you actually do?

We bring companies down to the level of their customers. We go down to earth, ground level, so to speak. Normal advertising more or less pretends to do the same. But watch how they are behaving. Their advertisements are up on billboards, high above our heads. Or they give us airspace transmitted messages for radio and TV. They never are at ground level, so to speak. RebelIndustries specializes in one to one communication, in creating word of mouth between consumers. We search for cultural insights into the ways people are living their lives. Within this we find the soft spots that brands can plug into.

How does that work?

On a basic but vital level we integrate the brand into events that consumers participate in. We always do so in a way that the brand is really contributing to the experience, otherwise it is inauthentic. As a consequence we are always looking for content partners, people that have cool websites, or music or other creations that radiate the cultural values that our brands can sponsor, or facilitate or simply participate in. The fundamental idea is that brands these days have to deserve the attention of consumers and customers. They have to earn the right to market to the people. Therefore they have to invest into the cultural values of their audiences. In the earlier days you probably could buy the right to market by buying airspace and TV commercials. That, however is over in the era of the grass roots marketing agency.

I have the strong impression that youth worldwide is far more sensitive about who has the right to market them and how does not deserve to do so.

We are talking about the Computer Game generation right now. I think the further we get into them maturing, the more we have to deal with people in charge of their own experiences. This generation is not sitting passively in front of television. They are co-creating their own media experiences. That is their mental habitat. For an advertising and marketing industry that came to life in the television era this is a dramatic shift. It is too simple to say that this is the era of the Internet. It is far more true to say that this is the era of consumer control. The consumer/customer is in charge. That is the revolutionary issue we have learn to understand deeply. It is not enough to sponsor an event or to put your clip on YouTube and pray for the best. Content only works when it holds an invitation to the receiver to engage.

Who does it right, who does it wrong?

Don’t think in these terms, please. We are in the middle of a revolution. We all have to leave our comforts zones and muddle through. Having the guts to try something innovative deserves respect also when it fails. Having said this, I honestly thing that almost all old school marketers worldwide failed to understand the potential of MySpace. Hardly anybody grasped in time why a grown up person would waste time there, posting photos and so on. Only after critical mass set in, they all started building their MyPage, having missed out the early and best days.
Having said that, Cherry Coke recently had a fantastic MySpace program. They created an easy to use tool with which users could redesign their home page. These new home pages could be uploaded to a gallery where the community voted the winner. For one day the winner’s design was the official My Space home page. It was the most successful program MySpace ever run. Why did it work? It worked because a) the technology was easy to use, b) it used the MySpace habitat of community building and peer approval, c) it plugged into what people were already doing: interacting in front of their computers. It was authentic use of MySpace in favor of Cherry Coke.
On the flipside, T-Mobile had a campaign for one of their new multi phone – Sidekick. They invited users to submit videos about how their Sidekicks phones fit into their social lives. The winner got 10.000 dollars and the clip got shown on a famous late night show. It didn’t work however. Most people aren’t film makers. T-Mobile was asking of them that they got up from their computers, go find a video camera, think of something clever, record and edit that into a 2 minutes movie. This is T-Mobile asking to the user to stop what they are doing in their life and start focusing on the brand’s project. A bit too much and insufficiently authentic.

Some advises to marketing and marketing communication

1. Develop your guts to make mistakes. In America there is a tendency for smart people to feel that they always have to be right. To be successful today you need the opposite attitude. You have to experiment, to fail and learn. Try to be wrong, at least from time to time.
2. Find new ways to get into contact with your customers in order to learn from them. Yes, these Computer Game kids are more demanding but if you treat them right in the social media they live in, they often are willing to tell you much, very much.
3. Don’t ask people to do something they are not already doing. Don’t try to turn MySpace users into film makers. Find ways to plug into what they are already doing. Give them tool to improve that.
4. Invest in culture. The best brands have become part of the fabric of their consumer’s cultures. Red Bull, Nike, Apple are worldwide icons for this.
5. Think global in a new way. Brands that people like and pay attention to increasingly come from all around the world. If your consumers virtually search for inspiration without borders, your brand must make a serious effort to do the same.

Dr. Carl Rohde leads
www.scienceofthetime.com ,a virtual network of market and trend researchers worldwide. Besides that he is professor at the Fontys University School for Quality Concepts Development in The Netherlands.

domingo, outubro 26, 2008

YouTube - Ameaça ou Oportunidade?

Um miúdo comprou o Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 para a xbox360 e a meio do jogo descobriu um glitch (para quem não sabe, é uma falha no jogo). Quando a bola cai na água o jogador (o famoso Tiger Woods), em vez de ficar com água pelo joelho, consegue, tal e qual Jesus Cristo, caminhar sobre a água e dar uma tacada perfeita.

Ora o puto quando descobriu o que é que fez? Vá de gravar e meter no youtube para gozar com a coisa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h42UeR-f8ZA

Os senhores da EA viram que o vídeo estava a ter bastante sucesso e que a marca e o franchise do jogo estavam a ser prejudicados e decidiram criar uma pr response. Em vez de recorrer ao usual update do jogo e um pedido de desculpas, decidiram aproveitar o erro e capitalizá-lo!

Vejam bem a qualidade da resposta da EA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ1st1Vw2kY

(Caso cedido e discutido no âmbito do Mestrado em Comunicação Integrada do INP sobre a Comunicação 2.0)

quarta-feira, outubro 22, 2008

O que dizem os Trend Setters Portugueses

, por Maria João Lima

Cerca de 75% consideram uma tendência viajar para cidade europeias para curtas estadias e 61% afirmam que o casamento homossexual é um direito. Estas são apenas duas das tendências identificadas pelo estudo ‘As novas tendências da sociedade portuguesa' que a APEME e as Produções Fictícias realizaram junto de 100 trend setters nacionais.

Este estudo detectou tendências em três áreas: privada, social e pública. A nível privado, estes portugueses valorizam cada vez mais o 'eu em casa', a procura da diferenciação pelo saber e o empenho pró-activo na construção da saúde, no que respeita à esfera privada. Já na esfera social, os resultados mostram que os trend setters procuram todos os motivos para viajar e procuram reforçar o sentido dos encontros sociais. Finalmente, na esfera pública, as tendências apontam para uma ruptura com os formatos políticos tradicionais, a relativização da orientação sexual e a busca de sentido e a metafísica.

Os 100 portugueses inquiridos estão, na sua maioria na casa dos 30 anos. O critério de selecção para participarem no estudo teve a ver com a área profissional e/ou estilo de vida estarem ligados à criatividade e à inovação.
As tendências identificadas (% da amostra que considera esta tendência significativa)

- Decidir com facilidade viajar para cidades europeias para curtas estadias (75%)
- Desenvolver certas actividades com o objectivo de obter relaxamento/bem-estar (71%)
- Valorizar ficar instalado em espaços de ambiente seleccionado em alternativa a hotéis (70%)
- Marcar preferencialmente os destinos e hotéis através da internet (59%)

- Gastar dinheiro em elementos para a casa que envolvam preocupações energéticas (68%)
- Estar verdadeiramente predisposto a aderir a conceitos tipo TiVo (63%)
- Estudar outras religiões como forma de desenvolver a sua própria espiritualidade (62%)
- Fazer questão em não fumar tabaco (59%)
- Morar numa casa antiga /reconstruída (57%)
- Considerar o casamento homossexual como um direito (61%)
- Desenvolver práticas/hábitos aos quais atribui dimensão espiritual (60%)
- Considerar que a adopção de crianças é um direito de qualquer ser humano independentemente da respectiva sexualidade (53%)
- Não estar ligado a nenhum partido político ou associação cívica, mas participar activamente em acções de movimentos de intervenção (51%)
- Achar que a filosofia zen combina com a vida urbana (55%)

- Criar pequenos vídeos para pôr no YouTube (62%)
- Utilizar activamente o Skype em substituição do telefone (59%)
- Ter "fome" de cinema de origem alternativa à Europa ou EUA (56%)
- Gosta de ver documentários em salas de cinema (54%)

terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008

O verdadeiro poder Internet


O verdadeiro poder Internet e as suas múltiplas aplicações.

Vote 4 me

Entrevista c/ Carl Rohde (no Brasil) - Em Portugal dia 30 Outubro - Museu das Comunicações 18h30

When you’re talking about fashion and trend watching Erika Palomino is the absolute cream of the crop of South-America. She became well-known as a provocative columnist for the biggest, and therefore a bit safe, news paper of Brazil, Folha de Sao Paulo. “I blogged before the blogosphere even existed and was the first to recognize electro as a new musical genre. It was pretty big here but didn’t receive ‘official’ attention”. She helped put the Sao Paulo Fashion week on the world map – she still makes the daily Fashion Week newspaper. Now she is at the head of The House of Erika Palomino in Sao Paulo – a gallery with hip and inspiring conference rooms, art in abundance, exotic greenery and open air. And it’s the home of the most influential fashion magazine of South-America: KEY. The magazine is also exceptionally more authentic than the Brazilian Vogue-clone. “For a long time Brazil looked at the rest of the world and copied what was happening there. The Brazilian version of Vogue continued that tradition. But now we belong to the economically up and coming countries and also to the up and coming cultures of the world. We are proud of our roots and nurture and innovate them. That is what KEY stands for.” The editor in chief of KEY Andre do Vall (28) is a quintessential citizen of the world with one of the sharpest pair of eyes that I know. It is not a coincidence that he is also a Trend Filter for the www.signsofthetime.nl Top 15 of the Coolest Worldwide. Where Erika Palomino is the intriguing celebrity, Andro do Vall is the creative spider in a very big trend & and fashion network. “Www.style.com is the best place for fashion information worldwide. They have all the big shows. For awhile I found WGSN very impressive, with a lot of good info. But you can also drown in it a bit. For Brazil, lest we not forget a country of the future, you have to check out www.chic.com.br and, of course, www.ErikaPalomino.com”.

A double interview.

Does Brazil possess the future?
Yes and that isn’t only because the world is listening and our cultural self confidence is growing, but also because everything that is Brazilian is heavily being promoted by our corporate world government. It’s all going in the same direction. We no longer want to be seen as the land of cotton but as the land of innovative fabrics – and regard that as a metaphor for a lot more. We also want to be more recognizable for being on the multicultural forefront. Worldwide the first association with Brazil is Rio, beaches and carnival. Of course there’s nothing wrong with that; Rio ís part city and part beach. But that’s why Sao Paulo enriches Brazil’s image; the beach is a bit further away here and that’s partly the reason why Sao Paulo is becoming the city where the most (multi)culturally enriching events and experiments are being organized. Beyond the beaches Brazil remains the country of huge contrasts: We have more millionaires than in many European country. And a lot more poverty and the romanticized image of the quaint favellas for those who don’t actually live there have; and a lot of different religions. Altogether a creative and educative melting pot because, unlike growing parts of Europe, we look around at each others’ lives. The havaianas, those Brazilian beach sandals that took over the world, fairly illustrate Brazil’s new strength. Originally they were worn by poor cleaning ladies because the rubber is indestructible. But this commodity was successfully translated into a hip worldwide success. It’s a good metaphor of what we can and want to do.

What do you regard as the main trends of this moment? Worldwide, on your own continent, in fashion or in general?

1. High tech innovations
When looking at the fashion industry you can see that we are getting tired of citing the former decades again. The styles of the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s have all returned, to not even mention the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. At one point or another they all came back. By now all the imaginable shapes and looks that are possible in fashion have irritatingly been shown over and over again. Future fashion innovations will not come from these retro styles and designs. The future is in the discovery of and experimentation with new materials. We literally want to feel new things. Currently there is a revolution taking place in regards to plastics: t-shirts with a thin layer of plastic. It looks like a shiny supermarket plastic bag, but feels like soft silk. There is also a new nylon that changes color when it’s stretched. And organza, a naturally quite sophisticated material, can be made to look and feel like soft paper. All new tangible experiences. This is what the industry desperately needs because the H&M’s and Zara’s of this world immediately turn the shapes and looks of the catwalk into mass produced items. Even before the big fashion labels do so.

2. The 70’s mentality
The 70’s rule the fashion scene, especially in Europe and the Americas. Not necessarily in what we see, although we do see the influence of hippy culture everywhere: wide pant flares, ruffles, natural materials that, this time, have been worked on with high tech innovations, the return of the plaid and brown as a key color). But at the core of all of this is the mentality of the 70’s: escapism, handicraft, the embracement of dream and fantasy worlds and a psychedelic resurgence in fashion and graphic design. This mentality is now widely voiced in society and, to be honest, the resurgence of escapism isn’t that hard to explain: just like in the 70’s (the Vietnam war) the world is once again encountered with a (world)war. Escapism is a reaction to this social reality.

3. We’re all going mobile
Quite soon you will be carrying you home with you in your mobile phone. It already houses your music, your camera and photo album, your emails etc. Your desktop will lose its place as the epicenter of the world. By the way, that desktop will become part of the touch screen world as presented in the film Minority Report. The touch screen is part of the new tangible experience trend, see above, the first trend, that will render mouse related RSI a thing of the past. Your physical house will become less important. We are going to be on the move more often and better equipped than ever before with clothes that automatically charge our mobile phones, report Wifi spots and measure skin surface tension to help better chill out in them. And this also counts for the cars of the future. Right now they already are houses on wheels and new innovations will make it even easier to regard them as such.

4. Binge chilling through everyday activities
In the
www.signsofthetime.nl Top 15 of the Coolest Worldwide Marian Salzman mentions the phenomenon of binge chilling: relaxing because you deserved it and needed it, but to the extreme. Total agreement here! The next issue of KEY will be all about deep relaxation through the embracement of everyday activities. Walking down the street and loitering for the sake of a conversation. Long dinners with your loved ones. Taking delicate and intensely enjoyable care of your appearance. These everyday things, these shared common activities, almost even trivialities, are reevaluated and regain their shine. Ultimately that’s what it’s about. It’s real and true and because of this paradoxically provides a new type glamour, substantial glamour.

5. From real over superreal to hyperreal
This sounds a bit hasty, but we are already seeing this development in the coolest communication designs that we encounter worldwide. We all know what reality is. Subsequently this reality has been photoshopped to create a lot of new images. However, these images, these altered images, have now become mainstream and are mass produced, all too well known and consequently boring. Let’s call it the photoshopped superreal. But now a new layer is added to this photoshopped supperreal to create a new, innovative way to communicate. You can for instance project a slide, probably of an everyday situation or activity (see trend 4), on a canvas and paint the projected image. This is a new way to combine photography and painting. It creates a surprising result: no more flat superreality but a layered hyperreality. The past receives an enriching and renewing coating. There have been so many revolutions in communication media – from the internet to new media design techniques – that it’s pretty interesting when you view old realities through these new communication tools. It’s the future of a new wave of gripping communication. Google for example Franz Gertsch and his exposition Paintings of Modern Life. That’ll make it a bit lucid. Or just pick up the latest issue of KEY of course -J

In a separate section:

Interpretive summary:
1. Within the context of the Experience, we are pulling away from flagship stores and are craving new truly enriching content. A shift is taking place that has taken us away from the Nike flag ships (boring) to the Ipod (really powerful content) and will now lead us to innovative technologies that offer truly new tangible experience. Preferably surprising and intense experiences.
2. Mentality wise a (70’s styled) desire for escapism is developing. Not really strange in a time of war but coupled with the trend of high tech, innovative and truly enriching experiences a thrilling dynamic is created.
3. We can now leave the house better equipped than before. This trend is already affecting the fashion and the automotive industries in a major way.
4. Binge chilling, de-stressing to the extreme, will be a worldwide phenomenon. The little things and everyday moments will be what lighten up our existence from this point on. Let’s cherish them as tranquil nourishing points.
5. Images are transforming from real to (photoshopped) superreal to hyperreal: a more layered, innovative mix of old and new representation techniques. This sets it apart from the rest and illustrates its future potential!

Carl.Rhode@signsofthetime.nl leads Signs of the Time, a worldwide virtual network of market and trend research. He is currently also a proposed lecturer for the yet to be realized Fontys School for Quality Concepts Development.

Column: Mercado Arberto
Supplement: Dinheiro
00 55 11 3225 3752/54

domingo, outubro 12, 2008

Publicidade - Definição e Interpretação

Sentido Etimológico da palavra Publicidade – Tornar público, transmitir informação ou ideias a outros.

Publicidade – Técnica de comunicação de massas, destinada a um público específico e que é especialmente paga e utilizada com o objectivo de dar a conhecer e valorizar uma Marca (Produto, Serviço ou Instituição), contribuindo para a sua experimentação, consumo, adesão, fidelização, utilização ou apoio.

Analisando esta definição em detalhe podemos retirar algumas conclusões interessantes sobre o significado desta técnica.

. É uma técnica de comunicação de massas porque põe em comum, sendo um esquema operatório para atingir um objectivo. É de raciocínio lato e engloba aperfeiçoamento, evolução e aprendizagem.

. Dirige-se a um público específico que são os potenciais consumidores ou utilizadores.

. É especialmente paga porque é um serviço que permite a uma empresa concorrer para um objectivo, com valor acrescentado, pelo que tem um custo associado. Por ter um valor acrescentado e concorrer para um objectivo é um investimento (nunca um custo) que trará contrapartidas a prazo.

. É um serviço técnico e não empírico, daí ter valor acrescentado, porque implica um conhecimento alargado de técnicas e disciplinas;

. É parcial porque não mente mas pode omitir, explorando apenas os pontos fortes das marcas que anuncia;

. Visa o consumidor final mas não pode descurar nem o prescritor (quem recomenda) nem o influenciador (quem influencia a decisão de compra);

. Por fim, a publicidade não vende. Ajuda a vender. É um dos elementos que faz com que a Marca (Produto/Serviço/Instituição) seja a escolhida.

segunda-feira, outubro 06, 2008

Dossier 60 Anúncios - Trabalho Individual - 1º Ano INP Fundamentos de Publicidade

Dossier 60 Anúncios - Trabalho Individual

Trabalho individual de recolha de anúncios (de acordo com lista anexa), os quais deverão ser arquivados um a um, constituindo um "Dossier" que poderá servir de base a outros trabalhos ao longo do ano.

Cada folha deve ter uma etiqueta com os dados apresentados no modelo seguinte:
Etiqueta de Classficação de Anúncio:
Nº e Título do exemplo
Nome do produto/serviço
Suporte (Jornal, Revista, Rádio, ...) de onde foi retirado
Data de Recolha

Cada anúncio deverá ser arquivado segundo a ordem que está indicada na lista fornecida, devendo ser recolhido o anúncio que melhor ilustra o exemplo pedido;

A recolha dos anúncios deverá começar desde o primeiro dia de aulas (ainda que os alunos não consigam fazer a sua classificação de imediato) e manter-se-á até finais do semestre em curso, altura em que o "Dossier" deverá estar concluído e ser entregue para avaliação. Os suportes a consultar para a construção deste Dossier serão exemplificados em aula.

Lista de Anúncios a Recolher
Anúncio para:
1. Lançamento de um novo produto/serviço
2. Sustentação de produto/serviço já existente
3. Promoção de uma causa social
4. Produto de grande consumo
5. Serviço
6. Produto industrial
7. Com posicionamento óbvio da Marca
8. Onde a embalagem é a principal dominante
9. Onde a Marca do produto é muito importante
10. Onde a Marca do fabricante é muito importante
11. Onde o rótulo tem muita importância
12. Fomentar outra/nova forma de uso do produto
13. Para conseguir captar novos consumidores
14. Para forçar a experimentação
15. Para sustentar a fidelidade ao produto
16. Reforçar os traços de imagem do produto
17. Instigando a uma mudança de hábitos
18. Obter a aceitação para uma linha de produtos
19. Anunciante que é o retalhista
20. Anunciante que é uma cooperativa
21. Marca Institucional
22. Promoção ao consumidor
23. Promoção ao comércio
24. Para os comerciantes como destino final
25. Peça de “Direct Mail”
26. Página de Classificados
27. Página das Páginas Amarelas com anúncios
28. Para uma certa classe social
29. Apelando a um grupo de referência do consumidor
30. Apelando a líderes de opinião
31. Destinado ao conjunto do agregado familiar
32. Apelando a um certo estilo de vida
33. Utilizando o humor
34. Utilizando um testemunho de fonte credível
35. De carácter informativo
36. Construído com base em argumentos de venda
37. Realçando os benefícios aos consumidor
38. Apresentando uma qualidade/atributo exclusivo do produto (USP)
39. O título contém uma pergunta
40. O título expressa um convite
41. O título contém uma ordem
42. O título contém uma novidade
43. Apresentando como o produto actua ou como é feito
44. Apresentando resultados de testes
45. Baseado em testemunhos de técnicos/cientistas ou citando os respectivos relatórios
46. Realçando resultados de vendas e/ou garantias técnicas
47. Cujo texto acaba com incitamento directo à compra
48. Acabando de forma envolvente
49. Contendo um cupão
50. Dando conta da proximidade ou facilidade de acesso ao local de compra
51. Pondo em relevo condições especiais de venda
52. Onde os elementos visuais do fundo são muito importantes
53. Em que o visual ilustra sobretudo aspectos funcionais do produto
54. A imagem ilustra os resultados obtidos com a utilização do produto
55. A imagem se destina a reforçar o texto
56. Valorizando um desconto especial
57. Informando sobre uma oferta especial
58. Onde o retalhista faz ofertas especiais
59. Apresentando um concurso que exige a compra do produto
60. Contendo ou referindo a distribuição de amostras.

quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008

Mr Cool - Prof Carl Rohde em Portugal

Dia 30 de Outubro, pelas 18h30, no Museu das Comunicações, o Professor Carl Rohde, um dos maiores Trend Setters mundiais, promotor da rede The Science of the Time (rede mundial de Trend Hunting), vai promover uma conferência subordinada ao tema:

4 Leading Trends will change the world

Esta conferência está inserida no evento de lançamento da revista "Direct Arts - Revista Visual de Comunicação".

A entrada é livre embora careça de inscrição via mail: rita_santos@directarts.com.pt

Esta conferência é altamente recomendável para alunos e profissionais das áreas de Marketing, Comunicação, Gestão, Artes e Industrias Criativas.